Agenda en ligne - SBT - 1
Nature leisure, Visits

Journey into the past - Heritage Days

Saturday from 15:00 to 17:30

Journey into the past
The reserve invites you to wander through the forest and discover site museums bearing witness to the history of the region 20 million years ago thanks to fossils and rocks.
Target group: All ages
On the programme for this site :
20 million years ago, the sea.... The Saucats La-Brède National Geological Nature Reserve protects rocks and fossils that bear witness to the three advances and retreats of the Atlantic Ocean towards the end of the Tertiary era. These phenomena can be observed at 7 different sites. An exhibition of fossils is on display at the Maison de la Réserve at the start of your visit.

+33 5 56 72 27 98
Journey into the past – Heritage Days
RNG Saucats - La Brède
17 Chemin de l'Église
GPS : N 44.65381 - W -0.59718


    By reservation only


    Opened on Saturday 21 September, from 15:00 to 17:30

    Journey into the past – Heritage Days
    RNG Saucats - La Brède
    17 Chemin de l'Église
    33650 SAUCATS

    GPS : N 44.65381 - W -0.59718