Agenda en ligne - SBT - 11
6,5km - Walking

Boucle des anciennes landes

This first local hiking loop of 6.5 km, inaugurated on May 14, 2017 during the spring festival of the commune, mainly uses rural roads (CR).
It allows the walker to rise about forty meters and cross various landscapes. At the highest points, he will find himself in what was once a moorland area maintained for sheep. At the lowest points, he will feel the freshness of the Gât-mort valley and the originality of its habitats. As a well-informed walker, he will perceive and note the environmental changes along the way up and down, before returning to his starting point: the Place de l'Église in the center of the village of Saint-Morillon.

To Saint-morillon 6,5km - 40m of elevation
  • on foot : 1h45 Easy
Course data
    Mode of locomotion
    • on foot : 1h45 Easy
    Detailed sheet Fichier GPX
    Points of interest
    Further information

    From Saint-morillon to Saint-morillon 6,5km - 40m of elevation