Agenda en ligne - SBT - 1

European Heritage Days-Tour of the churches of Graves-Saucats

Saturday to 10:00

Free or guided tour of the church.
Opening of the 14 churches of the Graves parish.
A quiz will be offered in each of the churches, asking you to answer 4 questions about at least 5 churches. 2 winners will be drawn from among the correct answers.
Please note that opening times vary from one commune to another, depending on the celebrations taking place. Details of opening times can be found on the poster.

+33 6 25 15 37 79
European Heritage Days-Tour of the churches of Graves-Saucats
avenue Charles de Gaulle
GPS : N - W

    Opened on Saturday 21 September, to 10:00
    Opened on Sunday 22 September, to 10:00

    European Heritage Days-Tour of the churches of Graves-Saucats
    avenue Charles de Gaulle
    33650 SAUCATS

    GPS : N - W